History of the word sooey mod#
59A: Stylish Lionel? ( MOD TRAIN SET) - "LIONEL" = yet another word that could've been de-EL'd.46A: Demand during a roadside negotiation? ( THROW IN THE TOW).25A: Verbal exchange about a harsh review? ( PAN DISCUSSION).
History of the word sooey plus#
But, on the plus side, it's a great puzzle if you're a fan of the word "THE" - three appearances!

ALARIC over RESEEK (!!?) crossing OLE OLE and multiple WANDAS ( 48D: Stand-up comic Sykes and others) is super-ugly, as is the multiple OCHERS and REALES ( 9D: Old Spanish silver coins) crossing the never-lovely EDUCES. Fill on this one is interesting in parts- NEAR THE TOP ( 27D: In second place, say) and RATIONS OUT ( 11D: Distributes stingily) are interesting phrases-but there really is far too much dreck. BARREL, LAPEL, LABEL, CAMEL, etc.), not sure why those first two theme answers aren't better-or why this wasn't a Sunday-sized theme. With so many -EL words out there that are also words (or names) without the -EL (e.g. Half the theme answers are cute (bottom half), the others, not. Anyway, not much to say about this except the theme feels pretty tired. Why do I feel like I've done some version of this puzzle not just once, but many times? Weird. After I got the first theme answer, my thought was "Ugh, NOEL, not this theme again." But when I was done, I looked NOEL up on, and couldn't find a single puzzle that had used NOEL as a theme answer.