The magnetic aura of the fortress-sized creature is such that the magnetic laws of the Godwrought Isles are rent asunder. In accordance with the Change God’s plans, the Lode-Griffon comes to rest upon Griffon's Eyrie, an island located at the very center of the Realm of Metal. Drawn forth by the extensive Chamonite mines and aether-gold clouds of the Godwrought Isles, this metallic godbeast descends from the Great Nothing. Though the seeds of disaster are implanted, it is the coming of the Lode-Griffon that spelt doom for the Godwrought Isles. But as the great powers of the Isles exploit and drive out the lesser tribes of the region in their obsessive pursuit of ever more Chamonite, those begging for change hear the whispers of daemons promising a better world at the expense of another’s misfortune. Perhaps if wealth discrepancy had not been so rife, the changeprayers of the unfortunates would not have been so fervent, and not attracted Tzeentch’s gaze in the first place. While near infinite, the vast riches of the Godwrought Isles are not equally enjoyed by the region’s inhabitants. Location of the Lode-Griffon's lair at Griffon's Eyrie.

Capitalising on the remarkable adaptability of this substance of near-limitless power, the steamhead pioneers develop the fields of aethercraft, aethermatic extraction and cogwork locomotion. It was a group of innovative duardin called the steamhead pioneers that discovered and mastered the art of extracting and refining aether-gold, a wondrous mineral that can be found across the skies of the Eight Realms. The discovery of priceless resources, Chamonite first amongst them, and the means to extract them inevitably lead to an era of invention and progress that cemented the prominent place of Chamon’s Karaks within the Khazalid Empire.

The steamhead pioneersįor generations, the people of the Godwrought Isles prospered without divine guidance. Here the ancestors of the Kharadrons ruled in wondrous mountain cities and dug ever deeper into the bedrock of Chamon to excavate precious minerals and gems. It is in this paradisiacal heirloom that the ever-expanding Khazalid Empire came to resemble the most to the mountain kingdoms described by ancient tales. Īfter crafting these lands and teaching the knowledge of old to his followers, Grungni departed for Azyr to fulfil an ancient promise to Sigmar believing that only by thriving without the guiding presence of a god could his people ever grow strong. Each of these heavenly islands is bestowed upon one of Grungni’s worshipper clans. Located at the heart of the Realm of Metal, the Godwrought Isles were geometrical marvels linked together by flawlessly built bridges and each possessing unfathomable treasures and alchemical wonders. Legends say that Grungni’s exertions are such that the metal-dust shed by his hammer mingled with his breath to create aether-gold. Indeed, the rich paradise then known as the Godwrought Isles is one of the Nineteen Wonders of Chamon fashioned long ago by Grungni. It is no coincidence that Karak-a-Zaruk, hearth of the Khazalid Empire, was located in Chamon. This unequalled civilisation of engineers and craftsmen saw the Duardin flourish across the Mortal Realms working alongside humans, aelves, Gholemkinds and many others. It was also under his tutelage that the Khazalid Empire flourished like no other. While relatively few things are known of this bygone age, legends assert that Grungni played a key role in the establishment of a lasting peace between the First Clans of the Khazukan and the ancient Twelve Tribes of Azyr. The duardins have inhabited the Mortal Realms since time immemorial. They live by the Kharadron Code, a constitution firmly based on meritocracy and pragmatism.

The Kharadron are mostly secular and prefer to rely on their own science and ingenuity than lean on any god. ĭriven by a need for profit as much as by honour, they employ wondrous techno-arcane devices powered by aether-gold – the lifeblood of the Kharadron empire. The Kharadron Overlords are a race of militaristic, mercantile duardin who dominate the skies of the Mortal Realms upon gigantic skyvessels and floating sky-ports held aloft by a mix of engineering prowess, burgeoning science and industrialised magic.